Procedure for obtaining Second Class Managers (Coal)/Metal (Restricted and Un-restricted), Overman/Foreman Competency Certificates(exemption) - Indian Minerology

Procedure for obtaining Second Class Managers (Coal)/Metal (Restricted and Un-restricted), Overman/Foreman Competency Certificates(exemption)

Procedure for obtaining Second Class Managers (Coal)/Metal (Restricted and Un-restricted), Overman/Foreman Competency Certificates(exemption):-

Second Class Manager’s Certificate:

1. The candidates are required to submit the following documents in original along with Form-II.

(i) Degree Certificate,
(ii) Secondary School Certificate,
(iii) Character Certificate
(iv) Valid First Aid Certificate,
(v) Gas Testing certificate (not required for metal Restricted certificates),
(vi) Medical Certificate (with attested signature of candidate)
(vii) Experience Certificate (in original) for a period of one year from the date of passing of Degree. Out of this one years’ experience, the total experience of one year of underground workings is considered or 09 months of underground workings and 03 months’ of opencast workings is considered. Maximum six months’
experience in the areas of Dust Sampling In charge, Stone Dusting In charge, Planning, Research, Sinking & Prospecting, Engineering, Teaching, Training Officer/Instructor, Survey & Rescue work may also be considered including maximum period of three months’ experience in opencast mines. Experience obtained in statutory capacity like Sirdar/Overman /Mate /Foreman may also be considered provided such experience should have been obtained after receiving the requisite Degree. For Restricted certificates, experience in opencast mines may be considered.

2. Date of passing is taken as the date mentioned on Degree certificate or Degree mark sheet or provisional certificate or a certificate issued by the University/ College authorities. Candidates are advised to furnish supporting documents for their claim of date of passing.

3. Valid First Aid Certificate(issued by St.Jonh Ambulance association of India) & Gas Testing certificates are to be submitted in original.

4. A fees of Rs.75/- shall be paid in the form of Bank draft/Postal Order drawn in favour of DGMS at Dhanbad and fees should be obtained not more than one week before filling up of your application form. If more than one IPO is enclosed, then the details may be given in a separate sheet.

Overman’s/Foreman’s Certificate:

1. The candidates are required to submit the following documents in original along with Form-II.

(i)Degree Certificate,
(ii) Secondary School Certificate,
(iii) Character Certificate
(iv) Valid First Aid Certificate,
(v) Gas Testing certificate (not required for metal Restricted certificates),
(vi) Medical Certificate(with attested signature of candidate)
(vii) Experience Certificate (in original) for a period of one year from the date of passing of Diploma. Out of this one years’ experience, the total experience of one year of underground workings is considered or 09 months of underground workings and 03 months’ of opencast workings is considered. Experience
obtained in statutory capacity like Sirdar/Overman/Mate/Foreman may also be considered provided such experience should have been obtained after receiving the requisite Diploma. Entire experience in opencast mines may be considered for Foreman Restricted certificate.

2. Date of passing is taken as the date mentioned on Degree certificate or Degree mark sheet or provisional certificate or a certificate issued by the University/ College authorities. Candidates are advised to furnish supporting documents for their claim of date of passing.

3. Valid First Aid Certificate (issued by St.Jonh Ambulance association of India) & Gas Testing certificates are to be submitted in original.

4. A fees of Rs.50/- shall be paid in the form of Bank draft/Postal Order drawn in favour of DGMS at Dhanbad and fees should be obtained not more than one week before filling up of your application form. If more than one IPO is enclosed, then the details may be given in a separate sheet.

Surveyor’s (Coal)/(Metal)(Res/Un-Res) Certificate:

(a) Persons holding Degree in Mining Engineering or an equivalent qualification from a Institution approved under Regulation 17 will be eligible for grant of a Surveyor’s Certificate if he possesses at least six month’s experience in surveying the workings belowground of a mine after obtaining Degree.
(b) Persons holding Diploma or merit certificate in Mining Engineering or an equivalent qualification from a Institution approved under Regulation 17 will be eligible for grant of a Surveyor’s Certificate if he possesses at least one year’s experience in surveying the workings belowground of a mine after obtaining Diploma for Coal and Metal (Un-Res) and experience in opencast mines in case of Metal(Res).

1. The candidates are required to submit the following documents in original along with Form-II.

(i)Degree Certificate,
(ii) Secondary School Certificate,
(iii) Character Certificate
(iv) Valid First Aid Certificate,
(v) Gas Testing certificate (not required for metal Restricted certificates),
(vi) Medical Certificate(with attested signature of candidate)
(vii) Experience Certificate (in original) for a period of one year/six months from the date of passing of Diploma/Degree. One years’/six months, experience shall be of surveying of underground workings only for Coal and Metal (Un-Res) and experience in opencast mines in case of Metal(Res) certificate is required.

2. Date of passing is taken as the date mentioned on Degree certificate or Degree mark sheet or provisional certificate or a certificate issued by the University/ College authorities. Candidates are advised to furnish supporting documents for their claim of date of passing.

3. Valid First Aid Certificate(issued by St.Jonh Ambulance association of India) & Gas Testing certificates are to be submitted in original.

4. A fees of Rs.50/- sha ll be paid in the form of Bank draft/Postal Order drawn in favour of DGMS at Dhanbad and fees should be obtained not more than one week before filling up of your application form. If more than one IPO is enclosed, then the details may be given in a separat e sheet.

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