Digital Technology in Mining Industry - Indian Minerology

Digital Technology in Mining Industry

Digital Technology in Mining Industry:-

Digital Technology in Mining Industry:-

A new era "Digital India" initiated by Government of India has given rise to new prospects of research and implementation in various fields. The main objectives of this initiative being availabity of government services by improving the online infrastructure and thereby increasing the internet connectivity throughout nation has developed huge potiential in sensors, telecommunication cables, optical fibers etc.

The specific areas of implementation under Digital India programme have out cornered the basic primary industries such as agriculture and mining. Technological boost in the primary sector can improve the economy significantly which can increase the agricultural output in the national and increase the safety in mining sector.

Can digitization be implemented in mining sector?

Though one of the primary industry, there hasn't been any technological innovations/breakthroughs in the Indian mining sector. The age old process of human labour digging with tools and carrying in the baskets have been diminshed to a large extent. Modernization is slowly being adapted in the Indian mining industry where development in metal mines has been through Jumbos, underground mine trucks while in coal mines by electric shovels, draglines.

The next step would be towards automation where Digital India could serve as a best platform for the mining industry. Few mines are starting to adapt semi automation like remote controlled LHD's in underground metal mines which just feels like enjoying play station game in a real field scenario. Monstrous looking trucks like that of transformers could be the best part of the mining future. Though modernization is kicking up the production, the safety aspects of the working environment remains to be the same.

In the safety point of view, the technology can improve the monitoring standards in the mines. Technology can connect every point in the mine make it a 3D object to access and analyse the conditions in much simpler manner. It can increase the accuracy of the monitoring devices which makes them work efficiently while it may irk the personnels to maintain the standards at the precise levels.

Finally, to conclude with note, Digitization of the mining sector is essential for the growth of the economy and also for the safer working conditions.


In the process of creating monitoring systems. Wish me luck

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