Mining Public Colleges in India - Indian Minerology

Mining Public Colleges in India

Mining Public Colleges in India:-


With the growing need for power generation and land  in India with an ever increasing population,it’s about time there are some smart decisions and research in these fields.Though the recent plans for smart sources of power generation i.e solar power are beginning to take place in large scale ,the immediate future of Indian power sector lies with Coal and coal alone.And it is time we take some really good decisions , due consideration to environmental and ecological balance, produce the required amounts of coal.The production targets for each company have been revised accordingly during the just completed fiscal year and it reflects the urgent need for an increase in power generation.
             And education is one of the first steps we must look at,people talk about fancy office jobs,living in metropolitan cities ,mining and associate branches are overlooked easily.But with the growing energy needs all we can look up to is some positivity in the influx of student and research activities in these fields.With due consideration to these factors there are already some established institutes catering the needs and the necessary research facilities for mining related activities.
There are very few universities offering Mining Engineering course in India. The universities need scientific base near the university to establish Mining Engineering Department. The scientific base represents the mines surrounding the area. The states containing the major resources for mining are in Jharkhand, West Bengal, Chhattisgarh, Orissa, Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra and Rajasthan. All the universities offering Mining Engineering have been established in these states.
Government Universities offering B.E, B.Tech and M.Tech degree in Mining Engineering:-

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