Sop for OB Dump - Indian Minerology

Sop for OB Dump

Safe handling procedure for dump (overburden)

1. The overburden (O.B.) shall be dumped at a distance of 3.5 m from the edge of the O.B. dump and the dozer shall push the same O.B.

2. Operators shall not drive their vehicles into the “non-operational area” which is designated by a berm of a minimum height of 1.5 m.

3. Operators shall not drive their vehicles on unstable surfaces or edges which are designated by flag posts, signs etc. to warn.

4. On entering the O.B. dump, the dumper/tipper operator shall visually inspect the general area of ​​the O.B. dump. All due care shall be taken by the dumper/tipper operators regarding the position of the rear wheels of the dumper/tipper on the dumping face. The dumper/tipper operator shall not reverse the dumper/tipper into an area which he has not visually inspected.

5. When dumping is done in an area where no berm exists, the O.B. shall be dumped before any edge which shall be pushed into position by the dozer and shall be constantly monitored by the Mine Officer (Mining Sirdar). 

6. On the edge of the O.B. dump, the dozer operator shall prepare a safety berm (parapet). This berm shall be made of dumped material and shall have a height equal to 3/4th of the wheel diameter of the dumper/tipper. In any case, this berm shall not be less than 1.5 metres in height and two metres in width. 

7. The dumper/tipper shall stand straight behind the berm. 

8. The dumper/tipper operator shall turn his dumper/tipper backwards in such a manner that he can see the dozer operator and the dozer operator can see him. 

9. After placing the dumper/tipper for dumping, the operator shall raise the hoist only when the dumper/tipper is stationary. After tipping operation the hoist shall be lowered completely. During these operations the operator shall remain in the cabin.

10. If at any time the dumper/tipper operator feels that the operation is unsafe, he shall immediately report to the Manager/Under Manager/Overman/Mining Sirdar or other supervisor posted there.

11. The speed of the dumper/tipper in the O.B. dump shall not exceed 10 Km/hr while going towards the O.B. dump and 5 Km/hr while reversing.

12. The dumper/tipper operator shall use Audio-Visual Alarm (AVA) while reversing the dumper/tipper on the O.B. dump.

13. The O.B. dump shall ideally be placed in an upward sloping position to avoid water accumulation and other related hazards.

14. No person shall enter the O.B. dump without permission. shall not stand or be allowed to stand on dumps where there is heavy movement of machinery.

15. After heavy or prolonged rains the Dumper/Tipper/Dozer operator along with Overman/Mining Sirdar shall carry out a joint special inspection of the O.B. dump.

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